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A crime scene cleaner wearing biohazard gear crouches down. Crime scene tape reading "CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS" blocks the room.

When you think about crime scene cleaning, it’s easy to fall for the myths and misconceptions. Many people don’t know what really goes on behind the scenes. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about crime scene cleaning.

1. It’s Just Like in the Movies

Movies often portray crime scene cleaning as a dramatic, fast-paced job with lots of action. However, real-life crime scene cleaning is much more meticulous. It requires specialized training and equipment to thoroughly decontaminate the area. If you’ve been searching for a biohazard cleaning company, know that the experienced team at Affinity Bio Solutions AZ can provide the expertise you need.

2. Only Police Handle Crime Scene Cleaning

A common misconception about crime scene cleaning is that police officers are responsible for cleaning up crime scenes. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Police officers secure the scene for investigation, and they leave the actual cleanup to professionals. These trained experts handle biohazards safely, ensuring no trace of the crime remains.

3. It’s Just About Blood and Gore

Many people assume that crime scene cleaning only involves removing blood and gore. In reality, crime scene cleaners deal with a wide range of biohazards, such as bodily fluids, chemical spills, and tear gas residues. Each type of contaminant requires a different cleaning approach and specialized equipment.

4. It’s Quick and Easy

Many people believe that crime scene cleaning is quick and easy. The truth is that it can take several hours or even days to clean a crime scene thoroughly. The process involves multiple steps, such as assessment, removal of biohazards, cleaning, and sanitization. Each step is necessary to ensure the area is safe for re-entry.

5. Only Big Cities Need Crime Scene Cleaners

Some people think crime scene cleaners are only needed in big cities with high crime rates. Accidents, suicides, and deaths can occur in any community, so crime scene cleaning services are essential everywhere!

6. It’s Just Cleaning

Crime scene cleaning significantly differs from regular cleaning jobs. Crime scene cleaners must follow strict protocols to handle biohazards safely. This includes using personal protective equipment (PPE) and specialized cleaning agents. The goal is to restore the area to a safe and sanitary condition.

7. It’s All About the Money

While crime scene cleaning is a business, many professionals in the field do it because they want to help others. They provide an essential service that ensures the safety and well-being of the community.

The next time you think about crime scene cleaning, remember these debunked myths. Understanding the realities helps you appreciate the importance of professional crime scene cleaners. Affinity Bio Solutions AZ is ready to assist with your biohazard cleaning needs, so contact us for more information.