Serving all of Arizona

12 Factors That Affect the Rate of Human Decomposition

Death is an inevitable part of life, and while it’s often a topic we avoid, understanding what happens post-mortem can be both fascinating and important. Forensic scientists and law enforcement professionals rely on this knowledge to solve crimes and bring closure to families. These are a few of the factors that affect the rate of …

Do I Need a Professional to Clean Up Bloodborne Pathogens?

Bloodborne pathogens are microscopic organisms like viruses or bacteria that reside in infected blood and can cause serious diseases like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV. These pathogens can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or other potentially infectious body fluids (PIBFs). Encountering blood spills or bodily fluids in your home or workplace can …

How Professionals Clean Up Tear Gas and OC Spray

How Professionals Clean Up Tear Gas and OC Spray Tear gas and oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray is prevalent in crowd control and law enforcement situations where officers may need to clear out a space. These chemical agents disperse rapidly and can linger in the environment, causing discomfort and health risks to those exposed. Cleaning up …

What is a Bloodborne Pathogen?

Bloodborne pathogens are microscopic organisms, most commonly viruses or bacteria, that reside in an infected person’s bloodstream and can cause serious diseases. These pathogens can be transmitted through various ways involving contact with infected blood or other potentially infectious body fluids (PIBFs). Understanding bloodborne pathogens and how they spread is crucial for protecting yourself and …

5 Safety Hazards Associated With Hoarded Environments

Hoarding is a complex mental health disorder characterized by a continuous accumulation and saving of items, leading to an accumulation of clutter in the home. Because this disorder is often a coping mechanism brought on by trauma, it’s important to approach loved ones in these situations with patience and care. However, it’s also important to …

Why It’s Dangerous To Clean Up Blood Without Training

Bodily fluids of any kind can host harmful pathogens that put our health, and even our lives, at risk. Blood is no different and can carry a host of diseases, viruses, and bacteria that can lead to severe infections. Cleaning up blood may seem like a simple, straightforward task, but without the right training, you …

4 Questions to Ask a Biohazard Cleanup Company

Discovering a biohazard situation in your home or business can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Whether it’s a crime scene, unattended death, sewage backup, or severe mold infestation, biohazards pose a serious threat to human health and require professional cleanup. Hiring a biohazard cleanup company ensures the safe and effective removal of hazardous materials …

Who to Call for Biohazard Cleanup in Arizona?

Biohazards are any type of biological materials that pose a threat to human health. This can include molds, bodily fluids, pathogens, and animal waste. In such situations, it’s important to call a qualified biohazard cleanup company to handle the situation. These companies have the right equipment and experienced personnel to safely and effectively clean up …