Serving all of Arizona

Can Methamphetamine in a Vehicle be Cleaned Up?

Discovering that your vehicle has been stolen can be a distressing experience, but the ordeal doesn’t end once you’ve recovered it. In some cases, thieves may use stolen vehicles for illegal activities, such as drug manufacturing or transport. If you suspect that methamphetamine (meth) has been used or stored in your stolen vehicle, it’s essential …

Health Hazards of not Cleaning up Sewage Right Away

Sewage cleanup is a critical and often overlooked aspect of maintaining a safe and healthy living environment. Failing to address sewage spills and backups promptly can lead to a myriad of health hazards. Waterborne Diseases: Bacterial Infections: Sewage contains a vast number of pathogenic bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella. Contact with contaminated water can …

What Happens to a Room When a Dead Body Is Not Discovered for Days?

Discovering a dead body in a room is a harrowing experience, but what happens when that body remains undiscovered for an extended period of time? The consequences can be shocking and disturbing. Let us explore the changes that occur within a room over 1, 3, and 5 days after a body goes unnoticed. 1 Day …

Decomposition and the Dissipation of Odors From a Decomposing Body

Decomposition and the Dissipation of Odors From a Decomposing Body The scent of a decomposing human body is a topic that often arouses curiosity and interest. While the odor associated with a deceased body can be strong and distinct, the exact duration it takes for the smell to dissipate varies depending on numerous factors. Complex …

What Kind of Hazardous Things Could be at a Homeless Encampment?

Homeless encampments, while often serving as temporary shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness, can be associated with various hazards. These hazards arise due to the lack of infrastructure, limited resources, and the challenges faced by those living in such conditions. In this chapter, we will explore some of the potential hazardous elements commonly found in homeless …

What is Virucidal Disinfectant

Virucidal disinfection is a critical process in the fight against infectious diseases, particularly in the current global context where the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of maintaining high standards of hygiene. The term “Virucidal” refers to something that is capable of killing or inactivating viruses. Therefore, viricidal disinfection is the process of eliminating or …

How to Clean up a Homeless Encampment

Homeless encampments, often referred to as ‘tent cities,’ have become a common sight in many urban areas worldwide. These encampments are usually a result of a lack of affordable housing, mental health issues, substance abuse, and other socio-economic factors. While it is crucial to address root causes, it is equally important to manage the hygiene …

Lending a Helping Hand: How to Assist in Trauma Scene Cleanup Without Getting in the Way

Trauma scenes can be overwhelming and emotionally challenging for everyone involved. Whether it’s a crime scene, a severe accident, or a natural disaster, the aftermath can leave a lasting impact on the people who witness or experience it. While professional cleanup crews are often called in to handle the bulk of the work, there are …

What is OSHA

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an important player in ensuring that workers are kept safe from different types of workplace hazards across the United States. Established in 1970 under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, OSHA is a federal agency responsible for setting and enforcing workplace safety standards. OSHA’s Mission and Objectives …

What Happens to Hazardous Waste after Clean Up?

Hazardous waste includes batteries, household cleaning agents, and paints from different companies. There are strict regulations regarding their disposal to avoid damaging the environment. However, some things happen after the removal of hazardous waste. The waste lifecycle after clean-up is unfamiliar to many. Keep reading to find out what happens to hazardous waste after clean-up. …

What Does IICRC Certified Mean?

What does it mean to be IICRC certified? To be IICRC certified means to work under the IICRC’s regulations. These regulations cover inspecting, cleaning, and restoring properties through knowledge and technical expertise. The organization enforces its technicians to take a career path in IICRC training and education. About the IICRC Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification, …

How to Sanitize a Trauma or Crime Scene

Sanitizing a trauma or crime scene is a messy affair. The cleaning demands a well-trained, experienced, and equipped specialist to maintain safety and thorough cleaning. These specialists remove hazardous materials, disinfect the scene and perform a deep cleaning to restore the location to a usable state. This article contains the process of sanitizing a trauma …

The Difference Between Air Purifiers and Dehumidifiers

Air purifiers and dehumidifiers are two common appliances used to improve indoor air quality, but they serve different purposes. While both appliances are designed to improve the air quality inside your home, they work in different ways to achieve their goals. In this article, we will explore the differences between air purifiers and dehumidifiers. What …

How to Remove Mold – 5 Unique Ways

Mold is a type of fungus that reproduces by releasing tiny spores into the air. These spores can be inhaled, causing a variety of health problems. Some people are more sensitive to mold than others, and may experience more severe symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, or severe allergic reactions. Preventing mold growth is key …

What is IICRC Certification?

Do you have a property that needs restoration and cleaning? You may be left wondering what an IICRC certification is. What does it mean to be certified under IICRC? This article contains answers to these questions and more information to set you on the right part to hiring or becoming one. The Institute of Inspection …

Can I Eliminate the Smell of Tobacco on My Own?

Eliminating the Smell of Tobacco in My Own House The lingering smell of cigarettes and other tobacco products is an offensive odor you don’t want your visitors to perceive. As a current smoker it is difficult to notice the smells associated with smoking in the home. In addition, it is harmful to health, sticks to …

BioHazard Cleaning in Sun City, Arizona

Biohazard cleaning is the work of specialized companies with the tech, experience, and training in removing blood and body fluid. These fluids contain bloodborne pathogens that can harm humans as well as animals. In addition, they contaminate the environment and water sources. There are a few biohazards clean-up companies in Sun City, AZ, such as …

What are Blood Borne Pathogens and How Are They Cleaned Up

Blood borne pathogens are becoming a big concern in communities based organizations. Exposing yourself to hazardous blood is dangerous to human health and the environment. For example, when someone experiences a nosebleed or a bleeding toe, it is recommended to clean the blood immediately to avoid spreading infectious diseases. In essence, the clean-up prevents the …

What are the 6 Types of Hazardous Materials, and How to Clean Them Up

Any material with harmful properties is referred to as hazardous waste. These hazardous materials are capable of harming living things and the environment. They are waste from many sources, including industrial manufacturing wastes, batteries, liquids, solids, gases, and sludges. The EPA states certain criteria for a material to be considered hazardous, and these standards can …