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Eliminating the Smell of Tobacco in My Own House

Can I Eliminate the Smell of Tobacco on My Own?

The lingering smell of cigarettes and other tobacco products is an offensive odor you don’t want your visitors to perceive. In addition, it is harmful to health, sticks to clothes and hair, and changes the home aura. Third-hand smoke contains active chemical substances that can lead to illnesses, like cancer, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). You may not notice the smell as a smoker, but you need to remove tobacco odor so nonsmokers won’t feel uncomfortable. Of course, you can start by stopping the habit of smoking or smoking in an open space. If you are a smoker or you stop and want to get rid of the tobacco odor, here are ways to do it at home.

Tips to Help Eliminate the Smell of Tobacco

Start with Hard Surfaces

  • Open the windows and doors to allow ventilation
  • Get a bottle of spray and a towel to wipe the surface
  • Mix vinegar with hot water for a hard surface
  • Add half a cup of ammonia, a quarter cup of vinegar, half a gallon of hot water, and half a cup of baking soda to clean the walls and ceiling
  • Clean the doors, walls, lighting system, fans, blades, and other equipment in the house
  • Throw away easily replaceable items like lampshades, pillows, etc.
  • Get a ladder to reach higher ground

Wash Fabrics

  • Start with fabric you can wash in the washing machine
  • Add baking soda and soak for a few days
  • Use a steam cleaner on the carpet
  • Also use a steam cleaner on upholstered furniture
  • Wash couch cushion covers, curtains, and drapes
  • Add a half cup of vinegar to the wash water
  • Repeat the process
  • Air-dry the item

Air Circulation & Purification

  • Leave doors and windows open for a long time
  • Use fans for air circulation
  • Use charcoal or white vinegar/cider vinegar
  • Avoid using odor-removal products
  • Purchase & use AC unit odor removal filter

Ozone Generator

  • Get an ozone generator certified by IICRC
  • Or book an appointment with an IICRC-certified expert
  • The machine is a powerful cleanser for odors
  • It contains a high amount of oxygen
  • It oxidizes the stale odor
  • Purchase from your local hardware store
  • Follow the machine instructions
  • Leave the machine working with the doors and windows closed

 Fresh Coat of Paint

  • Check room for tobacco discoloration
  • Get a fresh paint
  • Look for paint with a good smell
  • Use it on the walls and ceiling

Call the Experts

Eliminating Tobacco Odors Fully May Require Professional Assistance

These are a few of the many ways you can remove tobacco odor from your home, clothes, hair, or furniture. You can combine two or more methods to kill the odor completely. Complete professional odor removal and remediation is the only certain way to eliminate offensive odors. You may be used to the smell, but your visitors or nonsmokers are not, and many find it offensive. Remember to engage in outdoor smoking or quit the habit.

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