Serving all of Arizona

What Is A Biohazard?

What is A Biohazard? State and Federal Regulations Regarding Biohazard Cleanup A common question we get asked by client’s is whether the presence of blood and bodily fluids at a trauma scene constitutes a biohazard and whether any contaminants can be safely thrown away by the family. In online searches for information, client’s often find …

Extreme Odor Removal & Biohazard Cleaning at a Hoarder House in Phoenix, Arizona

Extreme Odor Removal & Biohazard Cleaning at a Hoarder House in Phoenix, Arizona Hoarding Disorder Help Hoarding Disorder is serious. Families dealing with a loved one suffering from hoarding disorder can go through a lot of stress and grief dealing the hoarder house situation. Biohazard Cleanup Often there are biohazards present in the hoarded home, …

When You Need Professional Help for Odor Removal and Remediation

When You Need Professional Help for Odor Removal and Remediation Most homes are susceptible to different odors depending on how they live, you may or may not perceive the odor of little dampness from the rug in the living room, bathroom or even kitchen or odors from soaked couch cushions as a result of roof …

When To Hire a Professional Odor Removal Specialist

When To Hire a Professional Odor Removal Specialist We have all stepped into a room and instantly regretted it as a pungent scent launches a full-blown attack on our olfactory senses, that my friend, is called an odor. Odors are an unavoidable part of living, as they can come from basically any part of the …